Sunday, June 21, 2009


Already there is a little controversy concerning "Family" as many expect that the film can be a one-size-fits-all. As much as a filmmaker hopes that the universal themes she puts in her film resonates with all in the world, they won't. I appreciate the candor of many who have approached me and respect the feelings of all but "Family," though showcasing, predominantly, women of color, is a racially inclusive film. It was written as such and not in affected way, but, quite organically. There is an interracial love story that I am proud of; men are in this mostly lesbian tale; finally, "Family" is inclusive of all orientations and gender nuances, as well as skin tones and body sizes.

Some would seek to have this be an homage to black women exclusively, but it isn't entirely. I do believe, though, that "Family" should receive kudos for presenting the lives of the marginalized: women period and particularly women of color and, also, in giving a far more authentic portrait of their lives. I love controversy like the next filmmaker, but I just want to make sure that people don't reject the film before they experience it--then afterwards, throw stones or flowers or whatever you have handy.

1 comment:

  1. for boundaries of gender were man made themselves but that of unconditional love are unknown so love has no boundaries we were all born from the womb of mother earth therefore we are a great FAMILY WITH OUR DIFFERENCES ........ Ntombi Wonci
